Following W.H.O. guidelines, like many countries, Canada marks the deaths of all COVID-19 positive people as a COVID-19 death, regardless of whether or not COVID-19 was the actual cause of death. That is, a person may die of a clear, alternate cause, like a person given 3 weeks left to live who dies of emphysema, but is still calculated & recorded a COVID-19 death. This does not happen with any other disease.
For example, a person who tests positive with flu and dies of a heart attack will not me marked as a flu death. They are correctly reported as dying from a cardiovascular event.
- So, how medically accurate are COVID-19 deaths and the data?
- Why was the reporting of deaths only changed for COVID-19?
- Are the dictatorial government lockdown measures justified when the deaths from COVID 19 are admittedly inflated?
Dr. Barbara Yaffe, Ontario's associate chief medical officer of health, said that half the positive COVID-19 test results are false. Hear Dr. Yaffe's admission, at the 36:30 mark.